Sunday, October 7, 2018

Must Read News Articles – October 6th, 2018

India and Russia on Friday concluded the contract for five S-400 ‘Triumf’ missile systems, one of the biggest defence deals in recent times, after the annual summit between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Interaction between young people of India and Russia, especially schoolchildren, would perhaps be the “most important addition” to the “unprecedented level” of bilateral ties and serve as a basis for a long-term cooperation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said here on Friday.

U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence’s accusations in a stinging speech on Thursday, warning of a tougher approach towards Beijing may have been familiar to China’s leaders. But until now such remarks were delivered in private, in fairly decorous terms, and rarely threatened direct action.
The Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) has confirmed that the Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) was responsible for lion deaths in the Gir forest of Gujarat and recommended that the remaining lions be vaccinated to prevent further outbreaks.
The Indian rupee was once a multilateral currency, its usage prevalent across the Indian Ocean in places as varied as Java, Borneo, Macau, Muscat, Basra and Zanzibar. The historic dhow trade ensured that the Gulf had a familiarity with the rupee for over five centuries, with Oman utilising the ‘Gulf rupee’ till 1970.
This year’s science Nobels compel us to relook at evolution, and also at gender parity
The RBI chooses to stick to its core mandate, ignoring other pressures such as on the rupee
They are awarded the Prize for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict.

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