Thursday, December 13, 2018

UPSC Must Read News Articles – December 13th, 2018

GS 2
DSRV is used to rescue crew members stranded in submarines that get disabled. The Indian Navy joins a select group of naval forces in the world that boasts of this niche capability.
A Parliamentary panel has recommended that the Centre urgently take steps to ensure that the National Security Guard (NSG) — the country’s premier counter-terrorist and contingency force — is equipped with its own dedicated air wing.
A parliamentary panel has recommended that the post of Director-General and other senior positions in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) should not be reserved for Indian Police Service officers.
The winter session of Parliament may see the government push for the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill of 2016.
GS 3
A solid syllabus can enable children to hold governments to account on sustainability
There are substantive reasons for the questions being raised about the new GDP back series

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